E-Mails 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6/29/10 Me to Babe

Hi Babe

Thank you so much for the update on the house, the car, and your health. One thing I cannot believe is the car only has 55,000 miles. Babe, its 10 years old already! Mine has, I believe around 164,000. I say, I believe, because the speedometer and odometer do not work. So I have to guess. Can you imagine how much fun we could have with the car here in Vegas?

As for the garage door, I do remember you were a bit skeptical it would continue to work, or maybe thought it would blow up or fall down. Glad it still works. As a matter of fact, I think of you quite often when I back up my car (every day!) because you used to tell me to” look before you drive backwards”. Well so far, I have not hit anyone or anything (the stars are with me), but I do think of you for that.

Noticed there were a few questions I had, which you did not address, like; my time span, your debt & goals, & if you are happy with your life. Suppose you don’t want to be too descriptive about yourself, I guess? If I’m wrong, please send me a few pictures of you. I need to see what you look like today. The last picture I took of you was on July 5, 2005 in Orlando. You were on the lounge chair catching some rays. Where else!

The weather has been above 100 for quite some time now, but one does not hang out outside. As for the pool, I go in it, but after 6pm when there is no one around. I make believe its me and you only. And, if someone comes in, I get out and sit and read my book, and mind my own business. I still only know four people in the park. Today, I was thinking that if I had not met you, I would not have the memories of us, I would not have known your mother, and never would I have made it to Vegas, or be able to live here in her house. Funny how life is.

I am no longer seeing my Psycho. His benefits ran out for the remainder of this year. But guess what he asked me to do for the last session? Well, I’ll tell you. He had me make a eulogy of myself, as I would think someone would give after I died. He said what I wrote would indicate how I look at my life as a whole. If I die first, and I hope I do, you can look for it in my computer. It’s a file labeled, eulogy.

Glad to hear your blood pressure is under control, but yoga? Only kidding, I think it’s a great thing to do, I only wish I could bend, to do it myself. It must be fun. Keep it up. And, if you need anything, tell me!


BTW what would you like for your birthday? Challange me.

6/25/10 Babe to Me

Hi, Well I'm glad to hear your foot doesn't need surgery. Hopefully the new podiatrist's method will work and you'll be better soon. I know it can be very painful when you have an issue with your feet. You were smart to get that second opinion. Unfortunately, some doctors' are too quick to want to cut out a problem without first trying some alternative solutions.

The house is still in good shape thankfully. We've been doing lots of yard and garden work. Michael has been using that long trimming pole to cut down tree branches that were hanging into the yard from Mr. Kuck's house. The tree has so many pine needles in the spring and pine cones in the winter, it's hard to keep up with them. We've taken away the pool a while back, got rid of most of the sand and planted grass. It looks really nice. Also, we cut down one of the three bushes at the side of the yard (closest to the shed) and planted tomatoes. Hopefully, I'll get some really nice tomatoes this year. Also, planted basil and maybe some peppers soon. We cleaned up the side yard by the front of the house where the cable and meter boxes are. It's been years since that area was really cleared out. Of course, we planted impatience in the boat just like you did for a couple of years. It looks really pretty. The timer lights that you had installed are still working. I've had to replace a few bulbs now and then, but they're working well. (as is the garage door opener)!!!! I'm still amazed by that one!....I have to give you all the credit...I certainly had my doubts about the garage door. The motion lights in the backyard that you put in are great. I replaced the bulb yesterday. The lights in the corner that were there when I moved in were broken by the idiot Cablevision guy with his ladder. I didn't see him break the whole unit, but it was fine the day before, and after he left I went in the yard and noticed the gate was left open and the light fixture and bulb were broken. What a jackass!!

Unfortunately I haven't kept up with waterproofing of the deck, but I'm getting to it this year. Michael also trimmed a lot of the tree on the side of the house (by the garbage and recycling cans). The tree that had all the friggin caterpillars. Actually, this was the first year there wasn't one caterpillar. It was terrific. I really believe the very bad weather we had this winter affected the cycle of crap that produced the caterpillars. Who cares, I'm glad they're gone. So it's been a busy backyard-clean-up spring.

My car is lovely as usual. I just passed the 55,000 mark on the odometer! Can you believe it! It still looks new. As for Dukey..we celebrated her 11th birthday party on May 21st. I made here a bone shaped cake and took her to PetSmart for a Strawberry Smoothie shampoo and had her nails clipped and polished pink. She wore a pretty red bow and barked at everyone in the store....then tried to hump a few as well. That's why she got the boot from the Daschund Doggie Meet-up Group. She has lots of life left in her. I had put in a pink bird feeder in the yard and hung in on a shepherd's hook, she goes out there and makes sure the squirrels aren't getting at the bird food and chasing away the birds..

That's about it for the update for now. I'm feeling much better and healthier than I did several months ago. My blood pressure is finally under control and I'm taking a yoga class to try and relax and de-stress. I hope it works. I saw the weather there was 100 + for a while now. You should take advantage of the pool and go swimming. It's great exercise. Talk to you soon. Let me know your foot progress.

6/24/10 Me to Babe

Hi Babe:

So glad to hear you are okay, and everybody is doing fine. If you want, tell me what you are doing with the house, and how is Dukey doing????

As for my podiatrist visit. I will tell you. Last week I went to see a new doctor because I wanted to get a second opinion. This new guy is an older fellow who has been around for many years. He looks a lot like Mel. Although I did not tell him I had been to another doctor, I wanted to see what he said. He poked and pressed, and moved my foot around to see if I had any pain. Then when he got to the bottom of the foot, he pressed in by the arch, and that's when I almost jumped out of the seat. Anyway, he placed a brace on the bottom of the foot and taped it so it would not move not matter what I would do. This brace covered from the beginning of the toes to my ankle, and then up the leg for about 6 inches. I was to keep it on for a week, till today, and return.

By Sunday morning the tape which held this brace, by the top of the foot, near the toes started to rub off the skin. It turns out the rubbing of the tape took out a piece of skin, about the size of a nickle which was, and still is, raw. I did not remove the brace, but I did cut back the tape a bit so it would not keep rubbing on the same spot. Then I placed gauze and wrapped it so it could heal.

Now, today when I went back, he removed the brace, and told me to put some ointment on the cut. As for the foot, he suggested I wear an insert which he gave me ( bought it) with an additional piece he glued on the bottom for an additional arch support. I'm supposed to wear this for the next month.

So far, he has not mentioned cutting into the tendon like the other guy. Suppose he is trying to be careful and with his diagnosis. Its okay for me, as long as he doesn't want to cut, there is still the possibility of it fixing itself, like everything else in my life. If figure if I wait long enough it will get better.

There is not a pain level to worry about, its more of a discomfort than pain. But I certainly see there is a difference between the two feet. Well that's it till next month when he wants me to come back. I will see how it does for the next month, and then I guess I may tell him I had seen the other doctor and what he said to me, to see what he says.

Oh, my other problem is the house in Florida. The tenant I have at the house received a letter from my mothers bank saying that because she had moved out of the house (yeah,, she is dead) they are starting foreclosure proceeding. I will be trying to deal with them in the next week. But they have been very hard nosed about not talking to me, not giving me any extensions of time to sell, and of not sending me any correspondence to Nevada. They insist on the mailings going to my mothers address in Miami only. The tenant would love to buy the house, but he has terrible credit (a foreclosure of his own, and a bankruptcy too), no money for a down payment, and cannot get a mortgage. And since he knows they will be putting the house for foreclosure he doesn't want to pay the market value for the house to me. He feels he can wait and maybe get it for less at the auction. Like I said, Oh well...life...

6/21/10 Babe to Me

Hi, How are you? Sorry I haven't emailed in a while. Everything and everyone are fine. Just working and keeping up with the house. I really wanted to find out how you did at the podiatrist last week? I'm going to try and call you either tonight or tomorrow at work so we can talk instead of writing. Have to get back to work. Talk soon.

6/11/10 Me to Babe

Hi Babe:

Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? It used to be, when I didn’t hear from you in a long time I thought that maybe there was something physically wrong with you, or that something had happened, however, lately I have been thinking that maybe I may done or said something wrong in my emails to you. Perhaps I have been forcing myself on you. I have been told that this may be your way of telling me to forget about you, or maybe you got married and thats a real good reason why I haven’t heard from you.

I want you to know that I will not try to hide any meanings behind my words to you. So if I ever did not want you to write to me or call me, I will come right out and tell you (then you can call the guys in white coats). In the absence of me saying something directly, I will always welcome your emails, calls, even a knock at the door. One of the reasons I love to be in your Moms place is because you know how to get here. It is not a place you can get lost coming to. So if you ever have a need to, or desire to come to Vegas, I know you can just come and knock on the door. (I’ll never let you leave!)

Many times I have told you I have been extremely lucky in my lifetime. I have been. I have been blessed beyond believe to have the life I have led. I have achieved every goal that I have ever wanted, except for one. Yet I still feel very lucky and thankful for what I have. However, I have also told you many times about my philosophy about life stages. I don’t know if you ever paid much attention to me when I used to ramble on about this, but it is a reality of our lifetime. I feel I am entering the last phase just about now. I also project, unless something happens to me, that I have approximately 16 good years to live. I say 16 because that will get me to age 75. And lets face facts, after 75, even people in good health are not climbing mountains or as agile as they used to be. In fact, if I compare my physical capabilities with that of 5 years ago, I see a drastic change in what I can and cannot do anymore. Also in looking at that 16 year span, if I look backwards since I met you in 1992, that’s 18 years. That has been more time than the expectation for the future. So I will tell you one more time, that for me to accomplish happiness in my lifetime, I would need you with me.

So I guess this leads me to asking you, are you happy? Are you leading the life you dreamed of for yourself? Have you accomplished your achievements of life?

Babe, I would love to know if in the last 5 years you have been able to accomplish the goal you had for yourself. I know you wanted to take care of your debt. And there were some personal things you wanted to accomplish, or have happen before you made any final decision with the rest of your life. However, has your situation today improved from that of 5 years ago. If it hasn’t, what have you accomplished in that time? Are you going around in circles? Or, how much longer do you see needing to fulfill those goals.

If I recall, you were always concerned about your debt. I have always told you debt was not a reason to not be happy in your life. Debt would take care of itself if we were together. Together we could address and solve any issues. I know this is something you have not agreed with my way of thinking, and have fought me all along, and that’s okay, I do respect your thinking. In reality, my love, is there ever a time in one’s life that anyone is completely clear of all “baggage” whether its debt, or other issues, in order to be in a relationship and seek happiness? I guess, Babe, I’m trying to tell you that life is life, and if you want happiness, go for it, seek that happiness, and enjoy the rest of your life. Don’t look back.

If you get a change, every once in a while, I would like for you to remind Michael, if anything ever happens to you, or if you need anything that I’m going to count on him to get in touch with me what you need. I hope he has my email and cell number.

As for me, I may have to get my left foot operated. But, I have been trying to avoid it for the past 6 months. Next Thursday, I do have an appointment with a new podiatrist to get a second opinion. The first doctor, over the past several months, has given me four cortisone shots and it has not helped. He is now telling me the only solution is to get the operation. What he tells me I have is a tendon which attaches the from the bottom of the foot, from the ankle to the ball of the foot. It should spring each time you take a step, and for some reason, mine is screwed up, and he wants to go in there and cut pieces of it off. Otherwise I am okay, just fat, and much older. Stories in my next letter.

Hope you and the kids are okay. I’m here for you Babe.

5/29/10 Me to Babe

Hi Babe:

I know I just sent you another email, but there is new news to tell.

I found out from Genoveve today, that Ma passed away on Thursday. She said they were together at the last moment and they started their prayers, and when they finished, she closed her eyes, and passed away. Very peacefully!

She is going to have Ma cremated, and a funeral mass has not been scheduled yet. Genoveve is trying to wait till the relatives who want to come here can make it. If I hear anything new, I will let you know.

Genoveve is taking it pretty good, I guess because it was expected. Today she went out to "eat (by herself) and went to play a bit"? I guess at a casino? She is okay!

I wrote to your Mom also, so she knows what has happened.

Be safe, Babe. How are you feeling, health wise? You can tell me.