E-Mails 2010

Sunday, October 03, 2010

10/2/10 Me to Babe
Hi Babe:
As for the Community Property issue, I will refrain from saying anything to John as you wish. However, in the future, he should be made aware of the consequences not because of any negative thoughts about the two of them, but as a financial decision especially if he uses all his own money to purchase a home. By the way, this does not affect any situation between you and me, because everything I have is yours anyway!

"I just hope someday I can be stress free and not worry about money, or getting sick because I don't have health insurance. I'm keeping positive thoughts that this will get better.... " Babe, Babe, Babe…the day is here! There is nothing you will ever need. As long as you let me, and I am capable, you will have everything you could possibly want. Health Insurance, if we are together, I can cover you with Wells Fargo. A job, you can work whenever you want, and have no one looking over your shoulder…work with me in the Reverse Mortgage field. I need you to do a lot of the “office” things that takes too long for me to do, and follow ups, which I am not too good at. Stress; what is that? Let’s plan vacations like we used to. Go on (shorter) lunches from time to time. When can we go shopping? Let’s find a farm to pick our own tomatoes for sauce, or fruits for pies. Be part of my Senior world. You will love dealing with these older people on a daily basis. Imagine working like it was the Levittown Senior Prom every day. Great stories we can share and live through. As for money…there is plenty out there. Let’s go earn it together. Wells Fargo has given me an opportunity to make a lot of money, which I can’t spend by myself. And there is always the opportunity to start another company and be involved in Real Estate and Mortgages again if we wanted to. I do have both licenses here already, just in case.

Then there is love. One thing that should be clear to you by now, after knowing me for 18 years, and for the 5 years we have been apart, is that I love you. As for the “bumps in the road”, I promise you I will not lie to you ever again! I'm sorry for my mistakes. As for other issues, let’s talk them out. Tell me which ones bother you in order, and I will address each one for you. I am getting too old for feeling like I am 35 years old, and reality of life is the focus is more on Medicare, Doctors, and illnesses than on anything else. My focus in life will be to take care of you, to make you happy, and to see to it that you are healthy.

Remember when I used to tell you how jealous I was of John because of the relationship you had with him. Well, that feeling is still there. One thing which I cannot wrap my mind around is why you let him do everything for you, and as far as I can tell, you cannot accept things from me? Is there something I am missing? Whether it’s love, money, security (both mental and physical), a home, financial debt, our lives; why can’t we live for each other? The only thing I can think is that you do not love me. And, that, is, the only thing I can accept. But, if it’s not that, then, why? I must be missing something!

Thanks for believing in me, and counting on me for any needs you may ever have. It’s a long road for me to travel, but I need to gain your trust, and love. And I need it, I need you in my life.


10/1/10 Babe to Me
Thank you for sending me the info about Nevada being a Community State. I would rather not give that info to John because I don't want him to think I'm already being negative about anything he's doing, or I have any thought that he and Melanie will eventually break up. Hopefully, he'll learn as he goes, but thanks for always thinking in their all of our best interest. I trust what you tell me.

It has always meant alot to me that I can depend on you no matter where you are, how far or what time of day, night or year it is. I probably should have told you that more often instead of thinking you knew it. Feeling secure and safe is something I've missed for some time now, but I know even though we're had our bumps in the road, one thing was certain...you will take care of me no matter what. Thank you.

Unfortunately, I can't just stay home from work. I don't have that type of job. I wish I did, but it's too late now. I just hope someday I can be stress free and not worry about money, or getting sick because I don't have health insurance. I'm keeping positive thoughts that this will get better....you know I've said many times.."there is always someone who has it worse off than me"....but I feel like I'm nearing my limit. I 'm sorry to vent..I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself..I'll be fine tomorrow.
Talk to you soon.

10/1/10 Me to Babe


Thanks for letting me know how you are during this storm. Hope the boys are okay too. And, why did you have to go to work this morning if the weather was so bad???? Nothing is as important at work as your health. Some days you just have to be able to stay home and not have to brave the elements and a possible accident. Be safe.

One thing I did realize last night, when I woke up at 2:00am, was that if you are ever scared or afraid of something, or don’t feel well, or something is bothering you, or something has happened around the house, please call me at any time. Even in the middle of the night! I usually don’t sleep the whole night anyway. I have one good ear to listen, or if you need, you know how much I like to "fix" things. I still have some friends in NY I can count on that will take care of you and do anything you need.

On another subject. I want to discuss something with you as John’s mother, before I send him any information on this. You know I would do anything for either of your kids. I love them as if they were mine, and as my children, I would want them to know this before he makes a decision to move to Nevada. He should be aware that Nevada is a Community Property State. Since NY is not a community property state, he may not be aware of the circumstances or pitfalls it may bring. Although he may be very much in love with Melanie, and since they are not yet married, he must know what the consequences are of buying property in Nevada by himself or with her.

In Nevada if a single person purchases a property alone, and eventually another person, spouse or not, lives in the premises, that person is entitled to part of the equity in the property even though that person is not on the Title. So, if John will be buying a home here with Melanie before they get married, or even after, and he buys it in his name only, she may have a legal right to half the house anyway. For his protection, he should discuss this issue, and have a pre-nuptial or seperate legal document written up to protect himself in the future.

I will try to find a copy of the law and send it to you to read. I wasn’t sure if I should send this information directly to him before you had a chance to know about this and get any more details for yourself before informing him. If you don’t have an objection, I can always send him a letter explaining this Community Property State Law stuff, or you can just pass this on to him. Whatever you want.

I’m always thinking about you,

10/1/10 Babe to Me
Hi,Well, I hope the worst of it is over. It's still raining and windy, but died down a lot since last night. The drive to work this morning was horrible. By the time I arrived at the office it had almost stopped raining. Don't know how the rest of the day will be. Thanks again for you email. I'm going to check in with the boys in a few minutes. Talkk to you son.

9/30/10 Babe to Me
Hi,Thanks for the email. The storm is actually pretty bad. The wind and rain are very strong. We're in the middle of it right now. Hopefully, there won't be too much damage in the morning. I'm more worried about Michael driving the postal truck and having trees falling around him. I'll email again tomorrow after the storm subsides.

9/30/10 Me to Babe
Hi Babe:

Hoping the rains in NY are not as bad as they have been saying on TV. I have been watching and it looks really bad. Wonder how the road down the hill from your house must look like? Is your house alright? Need anything?

I'm still fascinated with your picture. I just love it. Then again, its you.

Hope everythign is okay.

9/27/10 Babe to Me

Hi,Thank you for sharing that beautiful, touching story. I definitely want to read his book when you're finished with it. I know how much you enjoy listening to stories from older people about their life experiences. I do too. They have some great memories and are always willing to share. Have to get back to work now...tak to you soon.


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