E-Mails 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

12/13/10 Babe to Me
Sorry to hear about Jose. What a terrible thing to do to him after so many years. I feel very bad for him and his family. I hope something good will happen for him.I'm happy to hear you are moving forward with your life. It will definitely take some time, but I absolutely think it's a healthy decision. I enjoy reading your stories, so keeping emailing if you want.Talk to you soon,

12/11/10 Me to babe
Hi Babe:

Certainly I have placed my life on hold for the time we have been apart, but please know that was my decision, and I did it because it was right for me. Never have I regretted a day. And as for my obsession, I would like to call it; love. I can only hope you find someone who can love you a fraction of how much I did, and you will be happy.

I received a call today from my friend Jose Henriquez from Oceanside. Remember him? Well he told me that two weeks ago, he took a week’s vacation from his job at the Nursing Home which he had been working at for over 39 years, and went to El Salvador to visit his family there. Well, when he returned last week, the Nursing Home fired him. Just like that. No reason other than they did not need him anymore. What a thing to do to someone, to make a decision while they are away on vacation. Jose has a mortgage on his house paying over $2700 per month (and never been late), but now finds himself not knowing what to do. So he called me for advice. Me, for advice?

He certainly does not have the money to pay off the mortgage nor make further payments. He will have to be forced to sell the house quickly, and move into an apartment. He may be able to move from the US to El Salvador to live. Or he can move in with any of his kids if they have room for him. If he sold the house, and paid off his mortgage, he would only walk away with about $40,000. I could not believe that he had refinanced his house over and over again over the years since I got him his mortgage to where now he has no equity left. What a shame. What a position to be in. Hope he gets out of this situation. I did want to tell you about him, because I knew you knew him.

As for me, I’m trying to look at life a little different, but it’s going to be hard, and take some time. Especially during the Holidays now, I will still be thinking about you. After the New Year, I will have to change things around at work. I currently have you down as the beneficiary for my insurance and other things with Wells Fargo. I will also have to change my Will, in which I left almost everything to you. And what should I do with all my passwords on my computer, which I use your birthday as the password? Guess I’ll have to change that too?

Do you still want me from time to time to send you my stories of some of the mortgages I do for the Seniors? I’m doing one for a Doctor whose wife has Alzheimer and he needs the cash to take care of her at home instead on in a nursing home. He told me that it was worth it for him to keep her close to him even though she does not recognize him. He really loves her, and needs her near him also. He will be devastated when she passes. Some of the cases I see would qualify for a TV episode for the Hallmark channel. What is very heartening is the love people have shared throughout their lives. It’s fantastic to see this.

Hope you are okay, and the boys too. Be well. BTW, be careful with the coming storm on Monday.

12-4-10 Babe to Me
Thank you for your email. I'm glad you had a good time here. It was really nice seeing you again too. I'm sorry your back was hurting. I hope it feels better. You definitely were lucky to be back in a warmer climate. The temp here is now only in the 30's to upper 40's and chillier at night.

I want to clear something up about what I truly believe is an obsession. I meant what I said about it being unhealthy for you. You've put your entire life on hold for something that was dormant for nearly 6 years. I never wanted us not to be a part in some way of each others life. I just feel that by you not socializing whatsoever with anyone, you hadn't taken one step further along from the day you left. I want you to enjoy your life in Vegas. If you find someone to share it with even better, however, we will always share the memories of many years together. I'm glad you want to remain friends. I told you I feel much more open and comfortable with you now than before. Try to keep positive and upbeat. You can still call me babe if you like. It's fine with me. Let's keep in touch.

12-4-10 Me to Babe
Hi Babe:

It was wonderful seeing you again after such a long time. And I do want to thank you again for inviting me to Thanksgiving dinner with you and your family. It was good to see everyone, but specially your Mother. She does look good, even though she had fallen that day, and I hope she has many more active years in her.

The boys also looked good. Michael has not changed much in the past 5 years, but John has. Guess his time in the gym and weightlifting has changed his body.

What can I say about you! You have not changed either. I know you won’t agree with me, but you haven’t, except for your hair. Stay healthy, and you will always look beautiful. Also, I must thank you for your truthful opinion about me. Although I was, and would always want, to hope there is something between us, I realize that is not what is in your best interest. As I told you, I have already started to take down some of your pictures and although I cannot do all of them “cold turkey”, I will promise you a change in me about how I feel about you.

Two things, I do want to ask you is if I can still call you Babe, and for you to know you can reach out to me for anything you ever need in the future. As per your decision; always friends.



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